It is a sad day :( Today is the last Jacksonbelle Tuesday challenge. Lindsey is closing the virtual doors of the
Jacksonbelle store at the end of the month. The entire store is 75% off. Things have been selling fast but there are still a few fabulous products left.
Before I share my card for today, I want to say
THANK YOU to Lindsey for giving me the opportunity to be a part of her team. I have been on the JB design team for the past year and a half and I have loved every minute of it. Lindsey are a wonderful, sweet, dear friend and I wish you the very best in all of your future endeavors! Of coarse you can't get rid of me this easily...I will definitely be keeping in touch! I'm so sad that this chapter in your life is ending, but I know the best is yet to come for you!
I have to be honest and say that I didn't make a new card for today's post. I decided to go back and look at all of my Jacksonbelle challenge cards and repost a few of my favorites from the past year and half. Unfortunately when I looked at my early cards I seriously had to cringe. I'm not even sure how I managed to get on the team...yikes...scary stuff...LOL.
This was one of the very first cards I made as part of the JB DT. It also happens to be the very first card I ever had published. When I joined the JB team I knew nothing about submitting cards. The team was super supportive and really encouraged me to submit. I can't thank them enough for all of the support and advice!

This is one of my favorite JB challenge cards ever! I usually struggle with clean and simple but I really loved how this card came together!

I won't bore you with too much more....
This happens to be my favorite JB challenge card...EVER! I am in love with the Basic Grey Origins line as well as Zva Creative bling and Stampavie stamps! This card also happens to be my 40th publication! It is in the September 2010 issue of Scrap and Stamp Arts! Without Lindsey and the Jacksonbelle team, I'm not sure that I would have ever found the confidence to submit my cards. Thank you ladies for everything!

Be sure to check out the blogs of all of the Jacksonbelle Rockstars today for more inspiration!
Dawn Lusk
Julie Lacey
Heather Pulvirenti
Windy Robinson
Stephanie Severin
Amy Tsuruta
Pam Varnell
Lynda Benden
Tobi Crawford
Jill Dunn
Shemaine Smith
Lindsey Botkin
Thanks for stopping by today! I hope you all have a terrific day!