Getting older isn't the joyous occassion that it used to be. Funny how when you are young you look forward to birthdays and when you start to get up there in age well...dread them! I sometimes wonder how I got to be so old. I asked my dd to guess how old she thought I was going to be today and she said 85...honestly, do I look 85 (I feel like it somedays, but surely I don't look it). Today is my 34th birthday and my daughter thinks I'm 85! My dh is going to be 40 in a couple weeks, I wonder how old she thinks he is, LOL!
To take a little bit of the sting out of getting older, several wonderful ladies sent me these gorgeous cards! Thank you to every one of you for brightening my day!
From Cathy Alstott aka Lexant

From Manda Dex aka Manda_Dex

From Kelly aka Crazycardmaker2

From my SBS13 sister Nessy - Nessy's Notes

From Delia Vieira-Cruz aka Dazzling20

From Karen Puffe aka ND Stamper

From Renee Frances aka Franceskids

From my fellow FCD DT member Karen Campbell

I hope you all have a wonderful day! Tomorrow is my day to post on the DRS Designs blog. Make sure you stop by and check out the Christmas cards I made. Thanks for stopping by!