Saturday, March 29, 2008

The tough week doesn't end with yesterday's post

After I posted yesterday Tom came home early so that I could run to Target and to the post office. In the 45 minutes that I was gone Annabelle went from a fairly normal 4 year old to a 4 year old with the WORST ear infection EVER! When I got home Tom loaded her up in the van for yet another Friday night trip to the urgent care. She has had several ear infections (and when I say several I mean A LOT) in the past but usually once we get to the doctor and get her some meds she calms down. Last night was a totally different story. Her ear hurt....BAD. Tom dropped her off after the doctor appointment so he could run pick up her script at Walgreens. She cried and screamed and cried some more because her ear was hurting her so bad. I did everything I could for her and in the end she cried herself to sleep. I just don't understand how she can play and act normal all day and then out of the blue is in this awful pain. I felt terrible, but honestly she didn't give me any indication anything was wrong during the day, not the slightest bit.
So on that note, I needed something to make me smile today so I pulled out a picture of a card that I made last summer. No fancy embellishments or techniques...just plain and simple. Penny Black animals always make me smile! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!


Angie C said...

Heather, so sorry to hear about Annabelle - hope she is better soon. My daughter use to suffer alot with ear infections and they were always worse as the day went on.

Love your little froggies :-)

Jennifer_GlitterInMyHair said...

oh no! you poor things. I can't believe it hit her like that {again}. hopefully the meds have kicked in by now.

Jennifer_GlitterInMyHair said...

oh I keep forgetting to tell you, I got 2 Penny Black clear sets of animals from Jazzy, I had them special order some on their last order since they're closing now. I love special orders - keeps the $$ down b/c I don't browse. anyway, if you want to worry them you can.

mwebb said...

Glad you are posting again...I've been missing you. I hope Annabelle is feeling better and I LOVE your froggy card.

Delia said...

Oh poor Annabelle...I use to suffer when I was her age and I remember the pain. I remember my mom telling me, if I got any sort of breeze or cold air near my ears, I would have ear pain. I remember warm cotton with olive oil helping. I hope she is feeling better now.

BTW: love penny black frogs. How cute, they make me smile too.

Kisa Peters said...

I'm so sorry her ear hurt so bad. I sure hope she gets better. I LOVE THE FROGS! THey are super cute frogs and you always do something so cute with them!

Richelle said...

sorry to hear about the kiddies...that is so tough(not being able to "fix" their owies)

Hoping she is getting better.

Love the froggies...animals make me smile too.

Jo said...

Yet another fab card! Hope your daughter is better eldest suffers from ear infections badly...really high temp., vomiting (usually all over the Doctor) and we normally end up at the hospital with him. Keep smiling!